There is currently a limited supply of Organic ingredients nation-wide.

As we only supply Organic produce, some of your favourite products may not be available. So we have set up this section to keep you informed of ingredients that we are currently low in stock of, and our alternatives for you to try!


    Our Premixes are so easy to make and a lot less expensive then buying the finished baked products...with the ever increasing prices of Organic Ingredients we cannot continue to make small amounts of every item, therefore we have decided to cull our range and only offer what is most popular. We are still offering our broader selection of your favourites as premixes, so now is a good time to start baking.

    We will no longer be able to offer our huge sitewide sales as often going forward as it is simply not sustainable for us anymore.


    We are open Monday, Tuesday 9-12pm, Wednesday to Friday 9-3pm Saturday 9-12pm, Sunday Closed

    We bake on Monday and Tuesday for postal orders and Wednesday for Pick up orders.

    Order pick up days are Thursday to Saturday

    Please pre-order to avoid disappointment and click and collect or have it delivered to your door.


    We have moved our meals and selected gourmet single items and packs across tp organicinfusion.com.au although they are still manufactured by SeedsOfLife, we wanted a site solely dedicated to meals and meal prep to service South East Queensland customers. There is also a range of premixes that are modified for you to flavour how you wish eg a mudcake base ready for you to flavour with raspberries or cacao or what every you desire. Unfortunately level up discounts will not apply on Organic Infusion.


    Would you like to have your own SeedsOfLife Farmers Market Business operating up to 5 market stalls in your chosen region?

    Soak up the sunshine and enjoy the fresh air, whilst meeting new customers and sharing your passion for clean eating.

     We currently have established market stalls on the Gold Coast ready for someone to love and create a sustainable business for themselves with our organic wholefoods known for ingredient integrity and quality.  

    Like to know more? Then contact us at info@seedsoflife.com.au